Hi Cherie!

I have another good idea: I’d like to commision Tiff to record one or more of these three songs for an additional 3000 USD (or possibly more). This is because I am "probably the 2nd worst youtube singer" and even worse IMO than Miranda Sings. See https://www.youtube.com/user/ShlomiFish . (I know that "I suck but I’m hopeful").

Anyway, Tiffany can record them however she wants (incl in her room playing the guitar) and eithrer credit me and publicise my web presence for the fee; or not credit me, and might not getting the money.

The songs are:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DcTBx-hHf4BE - why destruction is pointless, while "being excellent to each other" is enhancing the world.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DxjT1q7f5ysA - Paul McCartney’s modernisatin of Lennon’s "imagine" - unfortunately obscure

  3. https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/Muppets-Show-TNI/Harry-Potter.html#do_it_all_with_love

    • "Do it all with love" - my tweaked lyrics for "all you need is love" by the beatles.

Shavua tov from Tel Aviv, and with love

 — Shlomi