[RPF] How Ronda Rousey was defeated

About this screenplay

[ This text is Copyright by Shlomi Fish, 2022 and is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share-Alike 4.0 Unported Licence (CC-by-nc-sa) (or at your option - any later version). ]



[ Ultimate Fighting Championship ( = "UFC") contestant Ronda Rousey is notable for having kept a fairly long streak of consecutive wins.

This real-person-fiction ("RPF") screenplay presents a hypothesis of how she achieved that. ]

Main Scene

[ The year is 2011/2012 . Holly Holm, the martial artist who would defeat Ronda Rousey (during their second UFC match), is standing in a shopping mall. She had invited Ronda for a day of hanging out together, with the ulterior motive of getting her to fight in a fair way.

Ronda approaches her. ]

Ronda: Holly, right?

Holly: That is right. Nice to meet you, Ronda.

Ronda: My pleasure [they shake hands.]

Ronda: Let's get straight to business: I presume you know I know why you invited me for a day of "fun, socialising, and geeking out".

Holly: To break your streak? If so, then yes!

Ronda: Well, it worked. You've won the psychological war. It's a shame really… it would have been fun to keep it. You know how I am an entertainer first and a martial arts' fighter later.

Holly: Heh… aren't we all?

Ronda: Yeah! [She thinks for a moment.]

Ronda: Hold it! But what if we fake a streak? It’s been a while since there was one in pro-MMA and it’ll be a good publicity stunt for UFC.

Holly: Heh… I like your way of thinking, Ronda! Conspiracies are a time-honoured tradition. [ References: Shlomif’s FAQ - “Are you aware of any Jewish world-domination conspiracy?” ; FAQ: "Are you an agent?"]

Ronda: Great! Wanna roll dice on who will be the streak-owner?

Holly: Nah… it was your idea, so it’s going to be you.

Ronda: really? Thanks! [She hugs Holly.]

Holly: [uses her smartphone] OK, the other UFC contestants approve of staging a streak as a publicity stunt and will lose the fights to you on purpose.

Ronda: Sounds good!

Holly: heh, heh. Now that it is settled, let's have fun and geek out - as promised.

Holly: You know, I was chatting on IRC the other day, when someone noted that he read about a man who started with a paperclip and after some stages of barter ended up owning a mansion.

Ronda: heh, hacks! I presume you won't agree to buying me a mansion, today?

Holly: Naturally not… but I can buy you a paperclip. A pack of 50 paperclips is also within my budget.

Ronda: hah… I can try trading them for 50 mansions, and start a real-estate agency!

[ Holly bursts out laughing; Ronda follows. They leave the frame.

Cut. ]