Rule of Open-Source Programming #1: Don't whine unless you are going to implement it yourself. % Rule of Open-Source Programming #4: If you don't work on your project, chances are that no one will. % Rule of Open-Source Programming #5: A project is never finished. % Rule of Open-Source Programming #6: The user is always right unless proven otherwise by the developer. % Rule of Open-Source Programming #7: Release early, release often. Clean compilation is optional. % Rule of Open-Source Programming #8: Open-Source is not a panacea. % Rule of Open-Source Programming #9: Give me refactoring or give me death! % Rule of Open-Source Programming #11: When a developer says he will work on something, he or she means "maybe". % Rule of Open-Source Programming #13: Your first release can always be improved upon. % Rule of Open-Source Programming #15: If you like it, let the author know. If you hate it, let the author know why. % Rule of Open-Source Programming #20: Open Code != Good Code % Rules of Open-Source Programming: 22. Backward compatiblity is your worst enemy. 23. Backward compatiblity is your users' best friend. % Rule of Open-Source Programming #33: Don't waste time on writing test cases and test scripts - your users are your best testers. % Rule of Open-Source Programming #34: Every successful project will eventually spawn a sub-project % Rule of Open-Source Programming #37: Duplicate effort is inevitable. Live with it. % Rule of Open-Source Programming #48: The number of items on a project's to-do list always grows or remains constant.